What Makes A Good Indoor Soccer Ball You Ask?

indoor soccer goal

A quality indoor soccer ball needs to have a few important elements.

First a ball is only as good as the foot that moves it!

So let's hope you have at least a touch of skill in those feet.

Top 4 Qualities To Look For In An Indoor Soccer Ball

1. Stick To Name Brands

  • See what the top leagues in the world use and get a version of that one for starters. If that's not a a choice you can never go wrong with an Adidas or Nike.

2. Tight Stitching

  • Make sure the seams are sewn tightly or the ball will start coming apart in no time.

3. Good Weight

  • You can usually tell a cheap ball by it being overly light so make sure it has some good density to it.

4. Shape

  • If when you're buying it you see it's shape is a little warped or off imagine what it's going to be like after playing with it for a couple weeks.

Why Have I Seen An Indoor Soccer Ball That Looks Like A Big Tennis Ball?

Yes of course the giant tennis ball that we see indoors sometimes, why oh why do they exist?

Well there are a couple of reasons these ball are still kicking around.

First they are supposed to be more durable then an average size 5 outdoor ball, the thought is there is more wear and tear on a ball indoors then outdoors.

This makes sense considering more touches, more shots and more rubbing up against the turf more frequently. Another reason is it is safer if ever getting hit in the body or head, especially if it has been hit off the boards on an indoor field and comes flying back at you (we've all been there).

So to summarize although it may look like it should be at Wimbledon this indoor ball has a few benefits such as:

1. Lasts longer (this thing could survive a nuclear attack the way it's built)

2. Safer (having a ball shot at you or rebound off the boards in your head feels a lot better with this ball then anything else)

3. More suitable for indoor soccer (softer touch because of the material and less bounces along the ground when passing from player to player)

What Size Is An Indoor Soccer Ball?

Your typical indoor soccer ball is a size 5. You may see other sizes such as size 4 and 3 for youth leagues and ages under 12 bouncing around but any serious 14+ league or team training should only have indoor size 5 balls.

The size of the indoor field or whether it's 6v6, 5v5 or 4v4 should not change the ball size, we are still looking at a size 5 ball for all number and field variations.

Can You Interchange Indoor and Outdoor Balls?

The simple answer is yes. Most balls that you use indoor you can use outdoor assuming they are the same size. Now if you're using a Futsal ball (size 4) playing with it outdoors won't work so well, not only because of it's size but also it's weighted to not bounce as much.

If you're playing in an indoor league on turf then most of those balls are a size 5 and can work just fine both indoors and outdoors. Just try and stay away from Futsal balls, mini balls and those furry tennis ball looking indoor balls and you should be fine.

Top 5 Things To Avoid When Choosing
An Indoor Soccer Ball

1. Brighter Does Not Mean Better

  • Just because it has these neon colours and graphics all over the ball doesn't mean it's a quality indoor ball.
  • Choose based on reliable named brands, quality materials and yes of course price! You get what you pay for in life!

2. Fancy Gimmicks

  • Be careful of fancy add ons that don't have any bearing on the balls effectiveness.
  • Things like the ball having a built in pump, a chip in the ball that tells you how you've hit it, swerve zone or anything else that doesn't involve the quality materials, shape and brand of the ball.

3. No-Name Brand Balls

  • Please stick to Nike, Adidas and Puma.
  • I know your uncle made this great new ball in his basement and your grandfather used to play with this one type of ball from Italy when cracker jacks were a nickle but there's a reason these brands are used in the top leagues and world cups.

4. Old Overstock Balls From Recent Competitions

  • Be careful of buying old world cup or euro cup balls that may been laying around for awhile that are offered at lower price.
  • Sometimes these are given away in bulk as promotional gifts and may not be the authentic ball or have been stored for long periods of time.

5. Buying Online

  • I'm not saying don't do it but if you are go into a store first and try out a couple balls then go buy it online.
  • There's nothing like feeling it, passing and and seeing if you like everything about it before buying.

Does An Indoor Soccer Ball Deflate Quicker Than An Outdoor One?

The two biggest factors in a ball deflating is the amount of impact the ball gets from passes, shots, saves etc and the weather. An indoor ball obviously has more touches on it with the small space and constant action but has less weather elements due to the fact that it is in a controlled indoor environment.

So depending on what country you are in it really depends but generally the answer is NO! Outdoor balls typically deflate faster because of the effect weather has on them.

3 Ways To Avoid An Indoor Ball From Deflating

1. Don't Store Outdoors

  • Try not to store it outdoors (garage, backyard or car), keep it indoors if possible.
  • This will keep the air in it longer and will help with the fluctuations of temperatures which will deflate the ball quicker or give it that hard flakey feel to the outer shell.

2. No Sitting Allowed

  • Don't let people sit on it! Not a game breaker but avoid sitting on it and changing it's shape permanently 

3. Easy On The Pumping

  • Over pumping it can lead the seems and ball to lose its original form.

Is There A Difference Between An Indoor Soccer Ball and A Futsal Ball?

Lord yes! Size, feel, weight distribution and use to name a few! If you've ever played with a Futsal ball you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you've never played with a Futsal you need to leave this site and go try one now. Ok don't leave so soon but there is a considerable difference, details here.


  • An indoor soccer ball is your tradition size 5 where the Futsal is a size 4 (it takes some getting used to).

Weight Distribution

  • An indoor ball's weight distribution is evenly distributed like a traditional outdoor ball where a futsal is very different and is extremely bottom heavy with very little bounce to it. 


  • The material for an indoor ball is that of an outdoor ball where a futsal is made of a tougher more durable material.

What Type of Indoor Balls Do the Pro's Use?

Have you ever been to a soccer store and seen a ball that costs ($60-$80) then there is one that looks exactly the same but costs upwards of $200? Ya that $200 dollar one is the one's pro's will use.

Usually the difference between the two is one designed for practice ($60-$80) and the other for matches ($200 and up). Now is there really a massive difference between the two? Probably not but these $200 balls you will see pro teams use these to play matches and train with just because money is usually not tight for these teams.

Sometimes depending on the indoor league there will be a sponsorship with a certain brand or ball and teams can only use this ball for all team events or matches.

So there are times where it is out of the teams hands and they play games and train with balls that provided for them. Typically these balls are of high quality and FIFA approved with all the top stitching, materials and fancy technology. Growing up I usually just went with the $60-$80 ball, does the trick just fine.

Do You Need A Specific Ball For Indoor Soccer With Boards?

No, using a standard size 5 ball will do just fine. There are no balls designed specially for indoor soccer with boards and without boards, there aren't enough facilities with boards and there is no reason that should change the type of ball.

You may notice an indoor ball that looks like a giant tennis ball that has a slightly different material on the outside of it (like a fuzzy soft cloth).

This is used in some indoor facilities and leagues and will reduce the impact on your body if absorbing a shot or pass. Now if this ball ricochets off the boards and hits you, it will hurt less no doubt. That doesn't mean it was designed for indoor fields with boards but is more suited in some areas of the game for safety purposes.

Who Makes the Best Indoor Soccer Ball? Nike? Adidas? Puma?

Well the problem is there are so many to choose from and a lot of it comes down to personal preference depending on the feel, weight and movement of the ball.

Try a few before you get married to any one type of ball but you don't have to look too far to see what the best teams and leagues in the world are using to see which ball may be of a higher grade.

Stick to these balls (all from the top leagues in the world) and you can't go wrong Adidas (champions league, world cup), Nike (English Premier League, Italian Serie A), Puma (Spainish La Liga) and Derbystar (German Bundesliga).

Now if you're looking for a more specific indoor soccer ball with felt on the outside stick to Mikasa and Spectrum.

Where Can I Buy A Good Indoor Soccer Ball?

Well here are a few places online you can buy some great indoor balls from all types of different brands, enjoy.

Sportchek Online

Adidas Online


Does An Indoor Ball Last Longer Than An Outdoor Ball?

Usually it's the opposite. Indoor balls are subject to more touches, more games and just overall more usage. But the answer really depends on how you treat the ball when you're not playing the actual game (indoor or outdoor) itself.

Both balls will take a beating on the pitch, while indoor ball will get more action touches, shots off the boards and posts an outdoor ball deals with colder conditions, cleats sticking into it and rainfall.

What's really going to make your ball last is where you store it and how you treat it after the game. Don't store it in your garage, car or backyard but keep it somewhere indoors where the temperature is more consistent and bearable.

Don't let people sit on it or use it for anything else but playing soccer, you do these two things and the life of your ball will be extended no matter whether it's used for indoor or outdoor soccer.

Do You Need Specific Shoes To Play With An Indoor Soccer Ball?

Of course! Every tap dancer needs their tap shoes and indoor soccer is no different. There are a few types of shoes suitable to play indoors with an indoor soccer ball and they are typically known as indoor soccer shoes (made of rubber with a flat bottom) and turf shoes that have mini turf studs on the bottom of them.

If you are playing on a gym floor you definitely want to go with the flat bottoms (court shoes) but if it's an indoor turf surface you can go with either the flat bottom or the turf shoes.

This really comes down to personally preference so try both out and see which one suits you best on whichever surface you may be playing on.